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Libros en inglés

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    Adopting a dinosaur

    José Carlos Andrés González
    Ali wants a pet: a dog, a cat, a chicken, an elephant.… But her parents don't want animals in the house. One day the little girl finds a giant egg in the park and takes it home. She looks after it and pampers it, but the egg hatches.
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    Bogo the fox lived in the branches of a great, big tree. One day he decided to invent amazing things so that he could have everything he wanted. Can a fox fly, breathe under water or see at night like an owl? A book to help us realize that our own characteristics are unique.
  • Este libro de conceptos en inglés y castellano, nos muestra la vida de Chimp y de Bunny, dos personajes entrañables que quieren que conozcas a todos sus amigos en todos sus escenarios, creados de la mano de una de las mejores artistas de crochet del mundo.
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    Federico and all his families

    Mili Hernández
    Federico the cat goes from one roof to another visiting all his families. Tadeo lives with his grandparents, Anna lives with her two Moms, Virginia with her Mom and Dad… All the families are differente and Federico loves them all unconditionally.
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    It wasn’t me!

    Daniel Fehr
    "It wasn't me!" "Me neither!" These kids aren't being quite honest… When we do something wrong, do we say it's us? Is it easy to admit?
  • Pete el gato es un fenómeno de la literatura infantil en EE. UU desde su primera publicación. Hoy en día se ha convertido en Bestseller de la lista del NY TIMES y en todas las librerías y escuelas es un libro imprescindible. En esta segunda historia, Pete descubre que, aunque pierda sus botones uno a uno, siempre le quedará el más importante... su ombligo. Un libro para contar y para cantar.
  • Por primera vez, Pete no se despierta con una sonrisa en su cara felina. Está triste, preocupado… y no sabe porqué pero no ve la vida color de rosa. A su amigo -Sapo Gruñón- le pasa lo contrario: se cruza en su camino sonriente, llevando unas gafas de sol que dice que son mágicas. Si te las pones verás la vida de una manera diferente. Así que Pete le hace caso y ayuda a todos los amigos que se encuentra en su paseo diario a ver la vida con unas gafas mágicas… hasta que estas se rompen. ¡Qué desastre! ¿Qué hará ahora Pete sin sus gafas? ¡Descúbrelo!
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    Pete el gato es un fenómeno de la literatura infantil en EE. UU desde su primera publicación. Su primera historia, I love my white shoes, es optimista, enérgica, ¡y completamente adictiva! Pete se ha comprado unos preciosos zapatos blancos pero en su paseo encuentra diferentes obstáculos que tiñen sus zapatos de muchos colores. Pero él no pierde nunca el buen humor y canta su canción en inglés... siempre.
  • Searching

    Olga de Dios
    Searching is a book created to help children learn to see and appreciate what they have around them instead of searching for what is elsewhere or faraway. Its illustrations will help children learn to observe. They will also find vocabulary and numbers, while they meet a lot of different characters. Do you feel like searching?
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    The day of your arrival

    Dolores Brown
    Adopted children are very wanted. A sweet story to talk about the long wait for the parents. The arrival of the child and the happiness of the family. One of the few picture books that talk about adoption in such a beautiful way. A book that is both beautiful and necessary.
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    The finger and the nose

    Paula Merlán
    ¡A Sofía le ha crecido la nariz! Ya se lo habían dicho sus padres. Y es que esta niña no para de meterse el dedo en la nariz. Tanto, que su dedo se ha hecho una verdadera casa allí dentro: un salón, una cocina con menú de degustación.
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    The Galinos

    Luis Amavisca
    Come with us to the Planet Gala and disvcover all of its wonders: the galatrees, the galabars nd the galacomputers... You will meet The Galinos, the special aliens who are trying to save their planet, but not without some challenges.
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    The journey of captain scaredy cat

    José Carlos Andrés González
    Captain Scaredy Cat was the most daring of all pirates, but not long ago, no one knows why, he started to be scared of everything –even of his shadow. A funny story to help us overcome fear.
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    This poop is mine!

    Have you ever heard the phrase “This is mine?” When Lola the Fly found a tremendous poop, she planted her flag and shouted: “This poop is mine!” The problem started when Fiona the Fly also arrived, claiming the same poop. Don’t miss this epic battle to discover who will be the ultimate conqueror of the big poop!
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    Witchy things

    Mariasole Brusa
    This witch wants to steal a kid. She flies on her broom and sees Adam playing with his dolls. The winning text of the contest Narrating Equality from the author Mariasole Brusa, illustrated by Marta Sevilla. Backed by the association Woman to Be.
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    How do moles dress for a costume party? Come and check it out at Wonder Mole's party. What would happen if a dangerous weasel snuck in? She only thinks about eating two fat moles for dinner.


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